About sobear2003

I am a musician based in the Ottawa/Gatineau area. email - tom@tommcmahon.ca phone - (819) 682-0698, (613) 791-8427


February 3, 2024.

Please enjoy the latest video on my YouTube channel. Remember to Like, Comment, Share, Subscribe, and hit the notification bell.

There are now over 100 videos for you to enjoy at my YouTube channel.

Writing new music.

Working through “Building Solo Lines From Cels”  by Randy Vincent

Working out at the gym.

My music is available for purchase at BandCamp

Finished the bed tracks for the new release, starting fixes and overdubs.

Booking gigs for 2024. 

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Upcoming live music performances at these places and times.

February 4-Westboro United Church, Jazz Vespers. 4-5pm.

February 3-Wakefield Mill, 7-10pm. Solo.

February 14-private function.

February 18-Livestream. Sibellard Louis-piano, Felix Rouleau-Simard-drums, myself-bass.

February 21-Knox Presbyterian Church, Jazz Vesper. 7-8pm.

February-25-Livestream. Sibellard Louis-piano, Felix Rouleau-Simard-drums, myself-bass.

March 2-Wakefield Mill, 7-10pm. Solo.

March 17-Livestream with Rachelle Behrens, 5-6pm.

April 6-Gigspace. Rachelle Behrens.

April 14-Livestream. Duo with Pete Beaudoin. 8-9pm.

April 17-private function.

April 20-Options Jazz Lounge. Rachelle Behrens. 6:30-10:30.

April 26-private function.

April 27-Wakefield Mill, 7-10 pm. Solo.

April 28-Livestreams.Rachelle Behrens, 5-6pm. Duo with Pete Beaudoin, 9-10pm.

May 4-Wakefield Mill, 7-10pm. Solo.

May 28-private function.

June 9-private function.

June 14-Options Jazz Lounge. Rachelle Behrens. 6:30-10:30.

June 28-Earl House, 6:30-9 pm. Rachelle Behrens (vox), myself (Baliset).

July 7-Symmes Museum. Felix Rouleau-Simard-drums, Ron Ferguson-trumpet, myself-baliset. 2 pm.

August 9-Earle House, 6:30-9 pm  Rachelle Behrens (vox), Valeriy Nehovora (drums), myself (Baliset).

September 7-private function.Share This: